Monday, January 12, 2009


Emotional Ocean
©Purely Cynnefull Designs


Happiness and smiles are all that you’ll see from me
Cause that’s all I want you to see
There’s not enough time to be sad angry or upset
When everyone expects you to be happy 24/7
I lock these feelings away deep inside of me
A place that call my emotional sphere
Where my emotional ocean is
Every time these feelings appear
They go to the ocean
Where it is calm and relaxing
But it’s always calm before the storm
Too many emotions
not enough time to sort them out
not enough time to deal and cope
my waters were clear
but now they are dark
filling up with hatred and resentment
sadness and insecurity
my sea is becoming unstable
not able to handle what I need it to do to stay sane
the waves are lashing out at the sphere
trying to puncture it and be free
the emotions are churning
rippling and plotting against me
they want release
they want out so I have to face them
stop ignoring them
to let them be free
moment by moment my ocean gets darker
facilitating the storm that will surely come
coldness has started to become an unbearable friend
helping to add more negativity to my emotions
the ocean has no bottom
it just goes on forever
waves are getting bigger
they are pulling the sphere into all directions
thunder has made it’s way into the struggle
bringing along it’s cohort lighting
I don’t know how long my sphere can take much more of this
But it has to endure so I can stay in control
So no one knows that something’s wrong
The abyss is pulling my emotions further into despair
I can feel the storm is near
It’s coming
I see it off of the horizon
I’m dangerously close to a nervous breakdown
The void that I tried so hard to avoid
This can’t be happening
Not this not now
The world of chaos is right in front of my face
Like the devil calling me to join
I can’t stay afloat any more
My arms are too sore to keep treading through these emotions
They are swelling
Dragging me under with them
Making me feel what I have done to them
I can’t breathe
My body’s struggling to fight to stay alive
My head is spinning
The noise is deafening my ears
Everything around me is slowly turning black
The water is making me numb
I’ve come to the point of no return
My spirit is defeated
No will at all
The emotions have taken over
Logic and reason are forever lost
All is black now
All sanity is lost
Depression has set in

© 2008 Ashlee Elizabeth Lindsay

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