Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Keela Grey's Baby Blanket

This is the original picture of the baby blanket that I decided to make for my niece Keela Grey. It is #24 baby blanket from the book Best of Terry Kimbrough Baby Afghans by Leisure Arts.

Keela's version is a little different: I used different colors:

and added accessory flowers in the corners with the baby pink pompador...

I used 2 different floral patterns in opposite corners.

The second corner involved rosettes. After all was said and done this is what the finished product looked like minus the floral corners:

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Battle Won

The battle within his heart has been lost.
Hatred and anger have won.
Love that I had felt emanating from him is now gone.
The happiness and contentment once felt is no longer.
Selfishness has taken over his entire being.
Forcing me into silence and tears...

I look at my Love's hollow shell,
Seeing his physical appearance as the person I love
But the eyes are colder; harsher
Words louder, crueler and meaner than normal.
Proving to me once and for all that the warmth disappeared.
My love has vanished...

Turning into pure resentment
Towards the person that he loves...

© 2009 Ashlee Elizabeth Lindsay

Monday, February 9, 2009

I Am the Love Within Me

Light and love enfold me,
Surround me, Protect me.
Moving through me as pure energy.
Fueling everything in this universe.
I open myself like the flower blooming for the sun,
Becoming the bliss that fills my heart.
Like a spiritual being trying to break free,
My cup runneth over with sheer radiant light.
Inhaling all that is positive within me,
Exhaling out inner love to the world for all to reciprocate.
Relying on my unwaivering faith in myself,
As one relys on their strong heartbeat.
I am the light that fills my heart with love...S
hining forth like a beacon of hope from my translucent chest.
Exposing my strentgh for all to feel.
I'm all that I search outwardly to be...I am the love within me.

Copyright ©2009 Ashlee Elizabeth Lindsay

Sweet, Soft Whispers

You speak to me in sweet,
Soft whispers...
Secretly mouthing the words"I love you"
Into my already exposed soul.
Sweeping me off of my feet,
As if I were weightless in your arms.
Truly I am yours...
I am under your spell completely.
Willing to surrender my spirit.
To surrender my entire being.
Only to spend forever with you.
My Heart.
My Love.
Are inside your protective love.
You speak to me in sweet, soft whispers...
Loud enough for only our hearts to hear.
Chanting lovely melodic tones of love.
Singing like angels to their beloved creator.
At last, my soulmate has been found...

Copyright ©2009 Ashlee Lindsay

Oak Trees Blowing in the Wind

I look to my left to hear the wind
Blowing vibrantly through my oak tree.
Asking for my undivided attention
Coyly playing with me to watch its movements...
Showing me what power air possesses.
Intangible yet everywhere and nowhere.
The elusive wind gently moves green oak leaves.
Caressing them with invisible care.
Rhythmically swaying to & fro like a dance.
As the clear breeze shakes the leaves,
Percussion takes over my ear drums.
Like waves hitting the sand.
I am called home.
As the wind slowly moves over the leaves...
Peace flows through me.

Copyright ©2009 Ashlee Elizabeth Lindsay

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Audreym's Evenstar Gloves

Finally, Cynnefull Garden Knits has arrived!

At the moment I am working on some original designs by me... once I finish my mock up pattern writing I will post them here!

The Evenstar gloves are simply beautiful! I love to knit cables and having fingerless gloves just made these glove that more fun to knit. I chose to make the gloves in white...

The picture that I took do not do the cable justice. On the other side there are also normal cables till you reach the palm. Go to Audreym's Occassional Blog for pattern instructions and more pictures.