Thursday, May 14, 2009

No More Masks... My Inner Sterngth is Freed!

Got in touch w/ my inner strength 2day... I'm who I am & if u can't handle me then go f*ck yourself & grow a pair! Your insecurity's ugly...

I am tired of people trying to put me in my place... I am a nice, kind and caring person but when you push me I'll push back and you won't like it; especially if you are a weak-minded, insecure person who puts others down to make yourself feel better. Unlike most people, I have no selfish intentions/motivations to be there for you. There is no angle or manipulation when it comes to my giving or my friendship. [Although most people think that since I am so nice that I am secretly planning to hurt you but time proves that it isn't the case=)]

Can't help the fact that I am a strong minded individual that reflects on life instead of the misery that it causes. I am defiant, reluctant and if need be cold in order to prove my points. Because people do not really believe that I am nice... and as a result have taken advantage of me so much that I loose my composure. Some have called me a nutcase, a basket case and straight up psycho... so what if I had to go to a psych ward it was because I was driven insane by INSECURE WEAK-MINDED males who blamed/punished me for just being myself! Again, doctors have told me that I am not crazy; far from it. How would you react if you were backed into a corner and trying to be coaxed out with kind, sweet words with a treat and as soon as you relax and accept the treat you get beat down for it! Standing up for myself is what normal people do and yet for some reason I am not allowed to do the same for myself.

You can beat me, abuse me, talk shit about me, rape me, give me a STD and attempt to break me but I am still here laughing at you because after all of the shit that I have taken from you I can look you in your eyes and say, "is that all you got!?!" The look on your face is all of the satisfaction that I need. No one can extinguish my inner flame; yet people still try like hell to snuff me. I learned as a child what the meaning of being the whipping girl means and there is no one on this earth that can force me to break. Ex-Boyfriends have tried and tried because I make them realize that they are pieces of shit; that through my actions towards them they see just how ugly they truly are. One has even recently thanked me for my role that I played in his life. Even going so far as to apologize to me for his behavior and was grateful that I taught him what it meant to actually love...

Yes, I am a force to be reckoned with... once I enter your life you are changed forever; good or bad. I am elemental in my being for I know that I am a spiritual being in cased in a human body. Normally I will not call you out of your bullshit; it freaks too many people out. Cause I understand that people have a need to keep their masks fully intact and crumble if they are exposed for who they truly are. I do not like to meet your mask or as I like to call it "your representative." I can see into your soul whether you want me to or not... I just won't tell you until I have to. The things that you hide are the things that I pick up on first... like the mirror that you refuse to look at yourself in. I do not lie to you so if you aren't ready to hear the truth that is accurate then please for your sake do not ask!

I know myself better than you could ever hope to; because I make a 200% effort each and everyday to discover what it means to be Ashlee Elizabeth Lindsay... to know the why behind my actions so that I can be the best version of me that I can. I study myself to understand where all the things that constitute as me come from. Just because you cannot comprehend me doesn't mean that you have the right to make me surrender to your will.

My exes will admit that I am a pain in the ass... I know what I want and if you cannot give it to me then we have issues.[ Not money; I've never wanted that from them: just to consider me and treat me like an equal... and to love me for who I am; not what I do for you!] When I was each of them I really thought that it was my fault but now I have come to learn that it was all them; Jeff was the one that pointed it out to me... Jeff can deal with me and I haven't changed. My goals in the relationship are still the same and we have been together for 3+ years...Jeff thinks the world of me and gives me everything that I have ever wanted and more just by being a STRONG MAN who is confidently secure in himself!

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