Friday, June 5, 2009

Contemplating of My Life Thus Far...

I have been out of school for the last 6 years... that hasn't bothered me as much as you think it would because I know that every single day I learn to be a better version of myself. When I tell people that I have 2 AAs in Psychology and Anthropology from Moorpark College they look at me in surprise because they didn't know that. I graduated a semester early and all of my JC college credits are TRANSFERABLE. At 19 I had that much sense to make sure of that... so when I was ready to enter the world of 4 year college I would be able to spend the time wisely on my core classes. People thought that I was just being lazy not going to a 4 year straight from high school; actually, I needed to prepare myself for such a task and ease into it.

After graduating I found that my life took a whole new turn; some bad and some good. I became an Aunt for the first time and got involved in an relationship that turned abusive. Turns out that those series of events needed to happen to me in order to become the person that you see before you. I had to go thru all of it to become stronger and learn how to be responsible for myself. To hold myself morally accountable for the things that I allowed to take place within my life.

For these last 6 years life has been a definite learning experience; adversity has become part of my normal routine of life and I took all of the negative things and made them into positive challenges that had to be overcome. I attempted to make friends with my pain, anger, resentment and the neglected child within me. I had to get back in touch with the person that I wanted to be and for many different reason I wasn't. I had to re-evaluate my life and my life goals; then I figured out one of the underlying problems: I had met all of my goals and hadn't made any new ones to pursue. I had found someone to love who loved me for me, found self love for myself, learned how to be venerable enough to love someone and let them into my heart.

I set school on the back burner for an opportunity to work at dead end jobs and sacrificed everything that I considered important because others told me that my "pipe dreams" and my creative hobbies were just childish and wouldn't amount to anything. How foolish was I to believe them. But in my heart I knew that they would be the ones to regret ever telling me that. Intuitively, I knew that my career would be geared towards my "hobbies" and I would make more money than I ever dreamed of! I tried to put away my childish things for their sake but it turns out that I need them to make something of myself!

My "hobby" are my PURELY CYNNEFULL DESIGNS; manipulating pictures into the things that my head creates. People told me time and time again that I couldn't make a living doing that. Well, turns out I can and will by going back to school...

It was only in the month of May 2009 that I made myself be the person that I wanted to be. I decided to stop hiding all of my potential and let my inner light shine so brightly that I blind you by my sheer brilliance. I let my hair grow out naturally instead of having it chemically altered to make it more manageable. Now, my hair and I have a healthier relationship with one another and it has decided to cooperate with me and became more manageable than it was when it was permed. My hair gets less knots and it takes less time to style and take care of. As a result, my cheek bones are higher and my face shines brighter than it did in previous years. My body has gotten into better shape cause I am now happier with myself and my surroundings. Jeff's cooking also helps tremendously and now my body and I have a great relationship. No more Emotionally induced illnesses due to a bad job, stress, or persecution. I now know that when my emotions are out of sync my body becomes affected as well. I have learned to pay closer attention to myself and my body's reactions to things so that I can obtain inner balance.

My personality has become more of my own; not worrying about what others think of me has helped greatly with this process. I wear my personality like I wear clothing. I had to mentally go through my emotional wardrobe and see what I had to work with that I had forgotten about. Sometimes people do not realize just how much of their personality goes by unseen because of what other people say about it. My sarcasm is out in full force and is usually seen in my humour which isn't always understood but I do not care anymore. I do not need to explain myself to anyone except my Creator. Now that my inner strength has been revealed within me I am not concerned with how people view me; only how I view myself.

Negative things do not affect me in the same way that they once did. My 27th birthday taught me that I am more capable than I originally thought. I know now to look at the change that the event brought me as a good thing. Ever since May 20th of this year everything has changed for the better and I have not looked back since. Maybe that is why this time that I saw a ITT Tech commercial I did something about it and went online to see what I needed to apply...

Today was the day I happened to trust my instincts and filled out all of the info I needed to apply to ITT Tech. I decided that this was the day that I would make something of myself and my unusual talents in the field of Graphic Design. The Oxnard Campus had the classes that I wanted to learn and it was closer than I thought it was to me. My dream of being a creative person holding a career doing something that I loved was about to happen for me and I became increasingly excited about the thought of getting into ITT Tech. Who knows... I am casting my bread out onto the water and seeing what comes back to me...

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