Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hope Reigns Over All Today...

Today, is a day that will live in history as the day that an African American assumed the United States Presidency. As I watched the Presidential Inauguration, I couldn't help but notice just how many people showed up in zero degree weather to catch a glimpse of Obama and his family. KTLA channel 5 zoomed in on the crowds of people... they were crying, smiling and I could tell that they were filled with hope in a time that looked dismal. I was overcome with internal feelings of assurance and overwhelmed by the fact that I got to witness something that African Americans were told would never happen!

This being that day after Martin Luther King Jr. day just makes it even more special then it already is. I was shown today that the human spirit can overcome anything if given enough will and desire behind it. Obama has so much love and compassion within him that it just spills out of him in spades and America can see it. The upliftment of hope can do wonders for everyone... and it is this hope that is a human beings' greatest gift of strength and yet it is looked upon unfavorably by most of the younger generations born after 1985. It brought tears to my eyes, heart, spirit and soul to see Hope alive within the human spirit again.

On a personal note, This is something that I never thought would ever happen. Period. Due to all of the negativity, lower- based emotions, and racial opposition that is still present in this world, a black president was out of the question. We as Americans have come so far in the last 60 years: overcoming segregation, learning to co-exist with people of different races, equal rights for everyone, now having Barrack Obama as our president... I wish my father were alive to see it!

On my Myspace blog I wrote this as well about today...

Today was a day that I will not forget...the day that America welcomed a black president with open arms! There were over 2 million people freezing their asses off just to see a glimpse of Barrack on the parade route. Amazingly enough, there were no riots or arrests made while Obama was being sworn in! We truly have come full circle!

America came together; Martin Luther King Jr's Dream came to fruition, and we now have a president who is for the people and elected by the people to make the hard decisions. To help Americans up from their great fall to become the America that we used to be- where the American dream still means something! This was a day that people of all colors, races, sexual preferences put aside all of their many differences to become ONE. Where a nation divided between rich and poor overcame their greed and celebrated with one another. Wealthy, powerful and prosperous ones are now being held accountable just like everyone else. I can't help but feel the air of excitement as a much needed change is about to sweep over America and the world for that matter.

Americans have found their HOPE again and it is a wonderful feeling to know that someone sees the problems on this place and is willing to take the time to correct it before it can get worse. I am not putting all of my eggs in one basket; just hopeful that Barrack Obama will do his up most to fix the things that he can. Ultimately, it starts within each and every one of us to fix ourselves.
Being told that there was never going to be a black president in my life time solidified the fact that people still couldn't get past the color of one's skin tone. Now... today... I witnessed the impossible and it has given me my hope back for humanity. That black parents do not have to keep looking their kids in the eyes and telling them that they can be anything they want to be knowing in their heart that it only applies if you are Caucasian.

The comradery the my fellow mankind demonstrated today has not been seen in a very long while and for once we are now equal. If my father, grandmother, and my grandfather were alive they would be crying right there next to me remembering the struggles that they had to go through just to have the right to exist... The fact that Barrack got out of the car not once but twice, against the secret service advise, taking the time to smile, wave, and look a single person in the eye and interact with them to everyone that he saw.... took my breath away.
This was the most people that have ever come to see the swearing in of a president- EVER! Today I was honored to be an American; knowing that the country was left in good hands...

1 comment:

  1. I understand why you thought it would never happen but for some reason I did. Obama is truly a special person and so many people have put so much faith in him. I just hope that we are patient because hard times are sure to come.

    Although I was not surprised, still it did not hit me until he put his hand on the bible. YES WE CAN!!! I'll never forget that.
