Tuesday, January 13, 2009


©Purely Cynnefull Designs

Hunger was my very first Purely Cynnefull Design made to showcase my poem: Hunger. (the link takes you to the poem hunger in case you have not read it!)This is what the finished product looked like:

-Ashlee Elizabeth Lindsay

Hunger: Completed
©Purely Cynnefull Designs

You'll notice that I didn't put my name on it or property of: ASHLEE LINDSAY. That's because I have never let anyone actually see this rendition of hunger with the poem on top. Eventually I will do this with all of my poems that I write (including my name on the bottom); but I enjoy the freedom of just creating the picture too much for my own good. I work best without structure and survive on pure intiutiveness of my knack for imagery. The poem pretty much sums this picture up... read hunger to get the concept.

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