Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Kung-fu Journey

I look at myself and do not believe what I have become;
Everyday becoming stronger inside and out.
All of the sacrifices that I have made;
The many, many bruises, blisters, and knock downs.
The sweat beading off of my skin;
The constant reminders to remember to breathe.
Or else my body will begin to black out.
To remember to sink, shift and plant;
Paying close attention to inhaling as I chamber.
Training my entire being to use my circles…

Day in, day out
Going over technique after technique
Continuing even when you sleep;
Altering the way that I perceive life
Learning to pay attention to all of the fine details
Constantly trying to figure out how to be one with the movements
Digging deep from within to bring out my inner warrior

Pushing myself farther down the rabbit hole that Is kung-fu
Blending mind, body and soul into one
Sucking up all of the pain, agony and frustration
That my village brother and sisters give me (given to me by my village brothers and sisters)
Taking it all with a smile because I know that the Village is helping me;
Aware that with each new soreness, a goal was achieved;
Making me one step closer to my next sash…

Thinking about all that I have learned
That I have accomplished in this martial arts system
Understanding that it is me who is doing this;
Putting the hard effort into being better than I was yesterday
Knowing that this is part of a bigger plan for me;
Showing my dedication, Determination, perseverance
Never giving up when it got harder…

I have transformed into a person that can take a punch
Who can deliver an effective strike
Someone who doesn’t complain about the pain
Wearing it as a badge of honor
A sign of my courage.
That I am a fighter;
On the inside and now flowing to my outer layers
Going from being hesitant to anticipating
Having more confidence within myself
Preparing myself for the journey that I still have to travel…

©2009 Ashlee Elizabeth Lindsay

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