Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Village

The village isn’t something that you can put into words;
It needs to be experienced for yourself.
The village and its elders are there to lend you a hand when you need it;
Openly teaching you all of the instruction that your brain can handle
There are no secrets within the village;
We are one tight knit family;
Taking the time to celebrate birthdays, and tests with feasts
The village takes care of one another;
Offering hugs and words of wisdom
Being there for you in a way that few people rarely are
We work hard at the village;
Balancing our strict work ethic with laughter and joy…
The village is a safe place where I feel unafraid;
Sharing bonds that no outsider could identify with,
Everyone including our Sifu has gone through what I am going through.
The elders have gone to hell and come out better than before;
They have come out warriors;
Knowing on an intensely personal level what I have to endure
The village is many working together to help individually;
A support system that encourages you to never give up
Training you to become more efficient within your kung-fu journey
The village helps one another;
But one has to help themselves by putting in the effort;
Giving you the tools and making you sharpen them in class;
Becoming more comfortable using your tools on your own time…
The village has become my family;
My safe haven from all of my inner demons;
My therapist that finally lets me hit the punching bags
The village isn’t just a kung-fu studio with people who take classes;
We are a team that work together to create a common bond;
To be better village fighters;
Hoping that one day with hard work,
Effort, dedication, and sacrifice
That I may one day be a village elder
Earning the mutual respect of my village elite.

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