Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Eyes Refocused...

Something is different...
Waves of clarity have finally found their way inside of me
The blurriness of life is coming into focus
As if I am waking from a dream...
I look around me and the sharpness of life has hit me
Suddenly I realize that nothing is what it appears to be
The facade of everything has seemed to vanish;
I now see what was hidden from my sight.
Enlightenment has graced me with it's presence
Embraced me within its arms of truth.
This life is merely an illusion
My heart is now broken with the pain that the naivety of life has left me
Now my eyes have turned to mirrors
Reflecting a person that I do not recognize;
One that is filled with self- awareness and love

The friends that I thought were there for me
Never were there to begin with;
Just living in denial because they were using me.
I don't have the same feelings about the things that I used to hold dear;
Cause now I know that they weren't.
Just haunted memories of a time when I was happy...
Understanding that I am much stronger than people give me credit for
Cause they choose to see my kindness as weakness
Just because I happen to be a delicate female...

My eyes are open for what feels like the first time
Refocused to what they were intended originally to see-
The things that people hide within.
Seeing past the persona that is the lie.
Perceiving my reality as what it truly is-
Revealing to the other what they fear within them.
Seeing the bigger scope of what needs to be done-
To shift all of the evilness within to be of the light
Focusing on just how deep all of the hatred goes within one's self
Empathising with all of the darkened souls that cannot see the light
Who cannot feel it or touch it within their souls
Letting them know that it is okay to feel loved.

Thinking to myself how to bring about this change...
Through one person reaching out to others through love
Extending a helping hand out to those who search for something that they can't explain.
Aiding to reach them with the language of music;
A universal wave of love that can bring us together
Unite us all under one universal consciousness
So that we can all see what can be accomplished by self love
So that they know that they are not alone
That others feel their pain,
Anguish so that they can feel cared for by loving them self

© 2009 Ashlee Elizabeth Lindsay

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