Friday, March 6, 2009

Light and Dark

I wanted you to see me for who I am
Try to understand where I was coming from
Your insignificant generosity brings me to tears
I did everything that you ever asked of me
Still that wasn’t enough for you
Your cold selfish heart could never penetrate the things that I hold dear
The person that I thought you were turned into a hellish demon
Replacing love and kindness with deep seeded anger and resentment
My heaven with you turned to hell. . .
So hell is really paved with good intentions
I never asked you to be a better man for me; that pressure you put on yourself
Things could have been different, but then was it suppose to be?
You decided to turn to the darkness while I went to the light
My spark that I lent to you could not be seen
The goodness that rubbed off on you is no longer visible anymore
The evilness that is you prevails and I am free from your reign
I can walk in the light without fear of you pulling me back

© 2009 Ashlee Elizabeth Lindsay

1 comment:

  1. I seem to be drawn to dark souls who look to me to fix everything about them that they do not like. As if I am their own personal light within their darkness. I cannot make them love themselves but they expect me to by loving them past their evilness at the point of taking it into me and becoming what they are. I will not be like that ever again...
