Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Love's Cruelty...

Tonight some girl's heart is breaking
Ripping into many pieces;
Tears of pain are flowing down their cheeks
Wondering what they did wrong.
Playing that last moment over in their heads
Sticking themselves into their own personal hell.

You're at home feeling relieved;
That you got rid of the excess baggage.
By breaking up with the person that you stringed along
You're free to do what ever you please
A smile comes over you
Cause now you are free...

Tonight some girl's heart has stopped pumping.
Cause the shock was too much for them.
They have gone numb from the experience
Getting closer to a catatonic state.
Soon the coldness will set in
And the bright soul will be lost.

You corrupted another innocent;
Taking away their distrust of you
Helping them to lower their guard down
So you could swoop in for the kill.
Now that you've had her,
Your conquest is complete...

Tonight some girl's heart has been reduced to ashes
Dried up from all of the rejections in their life.
Their once lively heart had turned arrid
Left with the bitterness that sour love has given them.
The heart is overtaken by depression
Loosing their will to live.

You cannot understand what the big deal is
It was fun while it lasted
Now that you have grown bored of her
Time to move on to someone bigger and better
Her eyes show that she cannot believe it
Shaking her head in disbelief...

She begs you not to end it
To give her another chance
You push her off of you
Saying a few choice words to make it clear
She says that she'll die with out you
You tell her to prove it...

Tonight that some girl's heart is no more...
The tears that once flowed have stopped.
Their soul is no longer tormented
By memories of their love that have been lost
Emotions that were once beautiful
Now reflect the awful truth...

That even though you loved her;
It wasn't in the right way.
You took her love for granted...

She took your words to heart.
Honoring your final request...
Now that she's dead what do you have to say?

© 2009 Ashlee Elizabeth Lindsay

1 comment:

  1. After reading a friend's blog on her heart breaking this poem sprang iinto my mind from nothingness and out onto the computer. It's from both points of view to show the complexities of men and women when it comes to love. It starts out with the girl then the guy to illustrate the pain and the coldness of each sex...
