Friday, March 6, 2009

Watching Keela Grey...

Yesterday I had the privilege to baby sit my newest niece Keela Grey. Keela was suppose to enter this world on x-mas '08 and be a Capricorn... she had other ideas for herself. She came into this world on October 23rd, 2008 at 2:02am making her a double Leo with Scorpion tendencies.

Keela was 2lbs 15 and a 1/2 ozs... at the time she was born. 16" long. 8 weeks early and yet she let out a loud and boisterous cry to let us know that her lungs were fully developed. We went and visited her and my sister Kristin in the hospital as many days as we could afford to go.

It was difficult seeing her with all of those tubes stuck in her but I managed to put my fears aside and project encouraging thoughts towards her being able to come home. Keela came home November 3, 2008 and she was a little bit over 4 and a half pounds. Technically she's 4months old but I found out that you count from her due date- making her 8 and a half weeks.

As of Yesterday Keela Grey is 10 pounds 1 ounce and has begun to learn how to smile and laugh. She absolutely adores her auntie Ashlee and is so comfortable with my energy that she has no worries in the world. Only when she needs something does she let out a few cries- just to let you know that she is wet or hungry; other than that she's a really well behaved little girl. Her eyes are so big that it looks like she is staring through you instead of at you. When she saw me Keela stuck her tongue out at me- it was the last thing that I did when I left her on Sunday showing me that she remembered who I was.

We danced, I sang to her, she tried to talk to me- interaction at its most basic yet making such a huge impact on her little psyche that will help shape her into the person she will become. I experienced my first diaper change and Keela didn't scream bloody murder! For some reason she doesn't like her diaper changed- maybe it is the act of being exposed; but as soon as you are finished she has a big smile on her face and all is well. Child development is such a wonderful things to watch, observe and interact with. You are accepted by her even though she cannot make out your intentions- she can feel your vibrations and knows that she's safe.

As I said my goodbyes to Keela I could tell that she didn't want me to leave and it put a smile on my soul...

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