Friday, March 13, 2009

What have we become...

First off, the world being in upheaval hasn't escaped me; I feel the vibrations of things out of balance and I am very concerned about it. Whether or not this is the end of the world as we know it or not, things are not alright on any level. It's almost as if the universe has heard all of our bitching, yelling , moaning and has decided to really give us something to complain about. Mother Nature is so tired of us burning down her trees, creating global warming, senseless killing of animals, over population of her earth that she is now unleashing her full wrath on us as well... now people are turning more primal and animistic in the nature. I can't help but wonder what have become and how do we stop the terror/evil that is within ourselves from destroying everything that we love?

I look around me and see people suffering for no reason; I understand that the Universe, God, Creator needs us to suffer when it has a purpose. You need both water and rain to grow; needing both happiness and suffering to grow into the being that you are to become... but a person who has money and looks down on others for not having money; rubbing it in their faces while they are loosing their jobs, their livelihoods... well that is just plain cruel. Every second of every minute someone out there is getting their house foreclosed upon; wondering how they are going to keep a roof over their family's head. How they are going to feed their children when they cannot afford to... Teachers who shape the minds of our future are being laid off and children are slipping through the education system cracks without proper guidance and nurturing. The world that we are living in at this very moment is unraveling all around us and the only thing that can save us is us- and we have forgotten how to do that a long time ago when materialism became more important than spiritualism and communing with nature.

Were you aware that the trees aren't producing enough oxygen? In fact they are absorbing so much carbon monoxide that they cannot convert it all into oxygen and are producing less and less as a result? On top of that, we are cutting away precious rain forest trees; an animals habitat just so that human beings can be more comfortable with our precious "possessions."

Animals that I grew up learning about are about to become extinct from our direct influence on their lives. Who ever said that human beings were more superior than the animals that have been here a lot longer than we have. We were never top of the food chain; that is the illusion. Animals haven't had a reason till now to looking at us as food. Cause now it is all about survival of the fittest; natural selection at its best.

What I once thought to be human nature is not anymore; in these harsh times people are not banding together like we should be doing... given the choice they are being selfish and looking out for what is theirs. Making sure that there is plenty for them and that it sucks to be you because you do not have. People are turning greedier when they should be lending a hand to help; sharing in this time of uncertainty but they are hoarding. Treating others as inferior; worthless and without value. Have our hearts gone that cold that even though you and I all have problems mine are more important than yours!?! That we are putting ourselves before others cause we feel that entitled? Has our pride gotten so high that we cannot see the things that actually matter more than just out egos?If this has become so then human beings are destined to fall...

Hope, faith and love are my biggest strengths in this world which sort of make me an easy target to be manipulated, coerced, and constantly taken advantage of. In my heart I believe that the good outweighs the bad within us all but I have to say that people when given the chance will use you if they think that you have something that they want; discarding you when they have used you up. Do a person a favor and they are grateful, appreciative and accepting of that gift; do a person 10 favors and they are expecting the 11th. Cynical and pessimistic I know but unfortunately this is a real phenomenon that occurs much too commonly. Listen to song #76 on my playlist. It is called What have we Become by DC Talk... this song was written back in 1996... and yet it is as true then as it is now. I have linked the blog title to the lyrics for this song to get a better picture of what I am trying to convey.

I understand that people are not like me; I have accepted that and come to embrace it. I turn on the news and hear about all of the sad things going on and I understand that sad things do happen every single moment of every single day... but what I cannot comprehend is why we treat others so poorly when we just want them to accept us; the real person that isn't the lie that has to be maintained in order for appearances.

When did it become okay to intentionally make people feel smaller when they are just trying to survive the day just like you are? Everyone is guilty of lashing out at someone... but was the lashing out really necessary? I get that it is [sometimes] better to get it out of you than it is to hold it in but why that particular person at the particular time? Why continue the cycle of anger/hate/frustration onto others when you should be dealing with it yourself? So what if you are angry/hurt/betrayed... that still doesn't give you the right to take it out on someone else; or does it? In this day and age more people are starting to lead to the latter of the two and for what purpose? Cause I know that it doesn't make you feel any better... so why continue to do it.

Everyday more and more people are reverting back to their most primal of instincts and that scares me; I have seen what happens first hand when people turn primal. The switch for whats right and what;s wrong gets short circuited and want and desire run free till their whims are met...

what is wrong with people!?! Deep down everyone knows what is right and what is wrong... yet we just ignore it and do not care. Some peoples mindset are such that they would wish me harm just because I do not fit their picture of " the world would be a better place if..." scenario. They do not even know me yet they wish death or worse... all based off of my looks, name, or anything else that they find unappealing.

The world is a scary place now...people are scary; acting like beasts that are relying on lust, desire and anger. It feels as if the evil within us all is winning and all others like myself can do is just watch and pray that it doesn't happen to them.

I'm praying for all of the evil hearts to come back to good; we miss you...


  1. Sometimes you just have to write things out of you that are bothering you; listen to song #76 on my playlist and you will understand where this is coming from...

  2. yes, I also hope, that everybody who has turned to evil, will return to love and understanding!
    love, Sarah sofia
