Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Poem for Keela Grey...

As you stare into her big gray-blue eyes,
Keela Grey is doing the same to you.
Investigating what is behind your gaze,
The intent within your eyes.
Once she is sure of you;
Her eyes begin to relax.
A wide mouthed smile emerges
As you hear her soul giggle.
If you are lucky,
She'll give you her cutesy smile and a wink.
To let you know that she adores you...

Constantly watching,
Experiencing what life has to offer,
All from the comfort and safety of your hip.
Listening intently on the words that your mouth makes;
The sound that your voice carries.
Familiarizing the tone as "good" or "bad."
Memorizing what your face looks like,
To better know who you are,
And where you fit into her life...

A kind, and generous soul;
Whose impatience brought her here early;
Wanting out before her due date.
As impatient as her mother.
Surprising us all with her determination to be born
Spending a month in an incubator
With pictures of her mommy inside with her.
Spending time with loving mother that knows what she needs...

A little spiritual being that craves others vibrations
Who needs cathartic touch to be happy;
Another persons warmth to be content.
Someone who enjoys her family as close as they can be;
To make up for the time that she had plastic in between...

Keela Grey immediately warms your heart
As if she completely understands you.
Fully accepting of who she is around.
Looking at you with sheer curiosity,
As she sucks on her Binky
Dropping it out of her mouth to see if you are paying attention;
Giving you the jerk around if you're not...

Sweetly crying only when she is wet or hungry;
Just to let you know that things aren't alright.
As soon as her needs are met her huge smile returns
Like nothing ever happened.
She laughs and tries to talk to you
Mimicking the songs that you sing to her.
Raising and lowering her coos to show you that she's learning

Keela Grey is her very own person;
Even at several weeks old.
She's beginning to form her likes and dislikes-
All within a glance.
She'll give you the stink eye if you take her bottle away,
Or put her down to change.
Then bat her long lashes coyly
As if to say she's sorry...

Sleeping like an angel so close to your beating heart
Reaching out for your fingers,
Making sure that you're still there.
Popping her eyes open if she thinks that she's not held
Slowly closing them just in case you put her down...

Sleep away little Keela
So that you can dream and grow;
Know that you are safe and protected;
Surrounded by your family;
People who truly love you...

© 2009 Ashlee Elizabeth Lindsay

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